Writing your history- Then & NOW- Thanksgiving 2020

This is the last in the Then & Now series of journal prompts about your life now and as a child. These prompts are about your life today.

Here are a few questions to get you thinking about you and your experiences. This is your history and writings of your individual experiences.

How did you celebrate Thanksgiving this year?

Did you meet at your home, a relative or friends? Was that different from your regular traditions?

How did you feel in the lead up to the holiday? Did you take extra precautions?

Did you eat a your traditional dinner? Did you have trouble acquiring any needed items?

Did you do any virtual calls with family or friends?

My family has eaten with our nuclear family for a number of years. We had our regular Thanksgiving dinner, although, I would have preferred to have a turkey breast or smaller turkey, but I could not locate one. Many years we have gotten together to play touch football with friends, go bowling or run a 5K, all of which did not happen this year. We had hoped that a nephew who is stationed nearby could come for the weekend, however, all passes were revoked just prior to Thanksgiving, so we β€œate” dinner together over an app and then streamed the same holiday movie while on our call.

Tagged: JournalingWriting Your HistoryThanksgivingHolidaysChildhood

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