Family bikes

Writing your history- Favorite Activities

Here are a few questions to get you thinking about you and your experiences. This is your history and writings of your individual experiences.

I love riding bikes with my family. When the kids were younger or couldn’t physically ride, I would ride with them on the back or in a handlebar seat. My current bike is a little smaller than the one pictured and 20 lbs lighter. It was nice to be ab…

I love riding bikes with my family. When the kids were younger or couldn’t physically ride, I would ride with them on the back or in a handlebar seat. My current bike is a little smaller than the one pictured and 20 lbs lighter. It was nice to be able to tote my 11 year old this summer when he sprained his knee.

What are your favorite activities?

What do you like about them?

How often are you able to enjoy them?

Is it a singular experience or do you to do it with someone?

Is there a barrier to you enjoying them regularly (i.e. finances, weather, COVID, health, etc.)?